Internship and Career Guide - Latino and Caribbean Studies
Internship Guidelines and Contract
All student interns must abide by the following guidelines in order to successfully complete the Service Learning Internship course (595:493/595:494).
NOTE: Minors should be aware that internships do not count as part of their required six courses towards the minor.
- Applicants must be majors or minors in LatCar who are juniors or seniors and have completed three courses in the Department before applying
- Applicants must have a minimum GPA of 2.50
Before the Internship
- Qualified candidates must schedule an interview with the supervisor of the organization where they wish to conduct their internship.
- Candidates must submit a one page proposal and work plan explaining exactly what the internship would entail, the kind of work done at the host institution, and what work the intern will be responsible for carrying out. It should also specify who will be supervising the intern’s work at the host institution.
- A letter of endorsement, signed by the director of the host institution, must be submitted along with the one page proposal.
- Candidates must identify a member of the faculty within LHCS who will serve as their departmental supervisor and evaluate the intern’s final report (see below).
- These requirements must be completed no later than BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF CLASSES OF THE SEMESTER PRECEEDING THE INTERNSHIP.
During the Internship
- Expected workload, 3 credit internship (595:493) – 7 hours per week, 98 total hours
- Expected workload,1 credit internship (595:494) – 2-3 hours per week, 32 total hours
- Interns must submit a written report every two to three weeks detailing his or her progress. Interns must also, every two to three weeks, arrange time to meet with their faculty advisor. The dates of these reports and meetings will be scheduled before the first day of the internship. The faculty advisor will provide a midterm grade based on these reports.
End of the Internship
- Interns must submit a final report of 12-15 pages that examines the practical work done at the host institution in the context of the academic, policy or other relevant academic literature that discusses the issues, questions, problems or ideas involved in the internship. This paper will be due on the last day of classes.
- Interns must submit an evaluation form completed by a supervisor or director within the host institution at the end of the semester. This report will be considered by the faculty member in providing a final grade for the internship. This evaluation is to be submitted directly to the intern’s faculty supervisor before the last day of classes.
By signing this contract, I demonstrate my understanding of the requirements and responsibilities of the Department of Latino and Caribbean Studies internship program, and express my commitment to completing the tasks outlined herein.
Student Name
Proposed Internship Site
________________________________________________________________ _______________
Signature Date