Support Us
Please consider making a contribution to Latino and Caribbean Studies at Rutgers! our student awards and emergency aid funds!
Here's how...
Under Your Gift Details, select "OTHER".
Under Funds, select: “I want to view a list of schools and programs that I can support.”
Beneath Other, under Please indicate "Other" designation:, enter "Latino & Caribbean Studies SAS RU-NB"
Your gift to LCS will help support special programs and recognition such as the new annual Dra. Maria Josefa Canino Arroyo Leadership Award.
Each year, this will be presented to a graduating senior in Latino and Caribbean Studies who has demonstrated transformative leadership at the university, local, and global levels and who embodies the intellectual activism central to Latinx Studies. Please consider supporting this worthwhile initiative.
Dear Alumni and Friends,
You are very important to the department's continuing success. Unlike the sciences, interdisciplinary departments that do ethnic and areas studies have few sources of external funding.
You can support our department's special programs directly. If you would like to play a significant role in our continued growth towards excellence, please consider contributing to our general fund or for any of our specific programs. All gifts are tax deductible as permitted by law.
Why contribute? Because you can help us develop our curricular programs and research opportunities for undergraduates, support community-oriented programs, faculty research projects, host scholarly and cultural presentations, make improvements to our facilities and educational materials.
You can learn about our faculty research interests on the Faculty page.
There are different ways to donate:
1. You can simply write a check to the Rutgers Foundation with your contact information and mail it to us, designating "Latino & Caribbean Studies SAS RU-NB" in the memo line.
2. You can make an online donation with a credit card at the Rutgers Foundation.
Under YOUR GIFT DETAILS, select: "I want to view a list of schools and programs that I can support."
Then select OTHER.
Under "Please indicate "Other" designation:", enter "Latino & Caribbean Studies SAS RU-NB".
Thank you,
Zaire Dinzey Flores
Associate Professor and Chair
For more information, please contact:
Zaire Dinzey Flores, Chair
Lucy Stone Hall
54 Joyce Kilmer Ave.
Piscataway, NJ 08854